The northwood brain falkner

This week for reading we had to read another six chapters of our book called the northwood brain falkner.And then we had to  answer some Question about the book and about the main charter Cecilia.and then we had to make a slide and then analisa cecilia and write it in detail. This week for reading […]

Cecilia meets the king

This Week for reading we had to read 6 chapters of a book named Northwood Brain falkner. And then we had to pick one of the main parts of the 6 chapters and animated it on slides. this week for reading we were learning how to make corrections. I enjoyed reading the book and picking […]

The great NZ bake off

This week for my reading our task was to read a book that the teacher gave us and had to read from chapter 7 to chapter 13 after we read the chapters we had another task which was to make a competition. And say the rules the prizes and make an imaginary person who will […]

protect our rivers

This week for reading we had to make a slide writing about how we can clean a river. I chose the Taruheru river which is behind my school.I was learning to infer which means to use ur prime knowledge. I found it challenging to find different whys to clean the river and how to stop […]

My paper waka

This week for reading we were learning to infer we had to make a waka and write why we made the waka and how it would help.Me and my buddy mason made this one.I enjoyed folding the paper and trying different whys to make it.I found it hard to make the sails on it stand […]

How to make music with water and jars

This week for writing i learning how to make music with water and jars then we wrote a story about the science  behind it and how you make the music louder and more high pitch.I enjoyed learning about how it works.Next time i would like to write about something. Making music with jars   Have […]